Welcome to SaltCity Church

SaltCity Church is a Bible-teaching church focused on Discipling Believers and Perfecting them for the Fulfillment of the Work of Ministry.


Biblically, the primary purpose of giving is for raising disciples through the spread of the gospel. God gave us the ultimate gift of his Son generously, and that is how He expects His children to give.

Here at SaltCity, we teach that everyone should give now and again, as God has prospered them.

You can partner with the work SaltCity church is doing around the world by giving through the following channels, (add account numbers) Offerings – (add all accounts) To understand New Testament giving better, download the Free E-book here (add hyperlink)

Philippians 4:15-19
New King James Version
15 Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only. 16 For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities. 17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. 18 Indeed I [a]have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. 19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Just as Paul had these partners, as you will see in Luke 8:2-3, Jesus also had partners who ministered their substance to His ministry while He was on the earth. Since the Lord has assigned us this task of raising disciples to fulfill their ministry we have set our faith for everything we need to be successful in teaching the Word.

So, decide prayerfully, what you will give to the work monthly as we obey the Lord.

We believe the Apostle Paul when by the spirit he said, “GOD wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth…”

We believe that teaching is the primary tool for making disciples, so here in SaltCity Church, we have the School of Tyrannus with three colleges:

  1. College of Doctrinal Alignment: aimed at establishing and reminding believers of foundational principles in various areas of the Faith.
    Duration: The College of Doctrinal Alignment holds every quarter in all our Centre. We encourage all our new members to attend the College of Doctrinal Alignment. To attend please reach our info desk on 08030597015
  2. College of Membership which is aimed at establishing members on spiritual home raining. This equip members with the Biblical principles of doing life with other believers.
  3. College of Maturity is aimed at equipping believers to know their ministry, know their ministry graces, understand their call and fulfill it.

To speak to our senior Pastor, please send a mail to tobore@mysaltcity.org.

  1. Inform your interest to the FamilyLife Pastor or your Centre Pastor
  2. Pray for 90 days during which you should abstain from any form of communication with your intended.
  3. Fill the spousal selection form prayerfully.
  4. Ask your company or trusted believing friends to pray for you even as you believe GOD for a life partner.

Premarital Counselling is designed to prepare couples seriously considering marriage based on biblical principles to guide them into this lifelong commitment to each other.

The Premarital Counselling sessions provide guidance and information on the concept of a marriage that glorifies God, self discovery, setting reasonable expectations for each other and responsibilities in marriage.

  1. Inform the FamilyLife Pastor or your Centre Pastor.
  2. Register for the next premarital class.

The Premarital Counselling classes run for 3 months

  • College of Doctrinal Alignment and College of Membership certificate of completion for members or an equivalent certificate for non SaltCity members. For more information about the College of Doctrinal Alignment and College of Membership, kindly reach the info desk on 08030597015
  • Must have parents’ consent (from both parties)
  • Should be planning to get married within the next 1 year (12 months).

For Initial registration, click on the link at the bottom of this page, and the status of your registration will be sent to you via email.

The Premarital Counselling classes run for 3 months

  1. Initial Registration via link below
  2. Successfully complete the premarital counselling classes
  3. Fix the wedding date not earlier than 2 months after the Premarital Counselling classes have ended.
  4. Check with the FamilyLife for the availability of the proposed wedding date
  5. Book Wedding

For Initial registration, click on the link at the bottom of this page, and the status of your registration will be sent to you via email.

  • Who is eligible to take the classes?
    In addition to the Parental consent, Participants are to provide 2 church references.
  • How can I Provide Parental Consent if my Parents are Deceased?
    An approved (decided by the bride/groom) family representative can sign instead.
  • Can couples who are non-members take the Premarital Classes?
    Yes, we will be glad to have you join the class.
  • Can a couple (Bride & Groom) who are non-members get married in SaltCity?
    At least one party must be a member of SaltCity to be eligible to get married in SaltCity.
  • Can I take premarital classes after my court wedding or traditional wedding?
    Kindly note that premarital classes must precede any kind of wedding.
  • How long are premarital classes?
    Premarital classes run for 3 months.
  • Can One Participant Attend Premarital Classes alone?
    No. Both participants are required to attend and complete all classes.
  • Can I take a break from premarital to attend a prior engagement and complete classes later?
    Kindly plan to complete all your classes in one Premarital counselling session.
  • Can I take a premarital class in SaltCity if I am not getting married in SaltCity?
    Yes. You are welcome to take the premarital classes as long as you fulfil all the requirements.
  • How early do I have to register for a class?
    As soon as you get engaged to be married and have all the requirements listed above.
  • Can I take premarital classes if my partner is outside the country?
    Yes. There is a diaspora class.
  • Can I receive a valid Marriage certificate from SaltCity Church?
    Yes. SaltCity Church is licensed under The Federal Government Marriage Registry.

  • Speak to the FamilyLife Pastor or your Centre pastor
  • Fill the form that will be provided

A company is group of homogeneous believers who support you in your daily obedience of the Word of GOD. To join a company, speak to your FamilyLife fellowship leader (Unmarried women, Married women, Married men, Married women).

We are working on our latest album, however you can stream our previous album on by searching for Salt Worships on all streaming platforms.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. All our sermons are listed on our Telegram Channel and are available on Spotify and YouTube

The Gospel is true in every city all over the world bearing fruits in every continent. Using the internet as tool, believers in different parts of the world are growing daily and doing life together in SaltCity Online (insert SaltCity Online hyperlink) church.

  1. Speak to your company leader or your FamilyLife group leader.
  2. Send an email to testimony@mysaltcity.org

We believe that the biggest spiritual discipline is to read your Bible and pray everyday. We pray together on Mixlr every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We pray together in our companies on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Establishing children in the Word of GOD from their early age makes them wise. Our Children Chapel is designed to help your children grow in their faith in GOD. Through age specific lessons and activities, children are taught Biblical truths and real life lessons every week in love. The Children Chapel is open to all learners between the ages of 0-12years during church services.